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A human analysis of financial documents reveals what AI content farms missed: Duolingo’s GenAI features are undermining its own profit margins.
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Management & Leadership
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Know Thyself - The Value and Limits of Self-Knowledge: The Examined Life
Bacterial Genomes II: Accessing and Analysing Microbial Genome Data Using Artemis
The Science of Happiness
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Learn Education & Teaching, earn certificates with paid and free online courses from Harvard, Stanford, MIT, University of Pennsylvania and other top universities around the world. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you.
Aprenderás cómo deberÃa ser un sistema educativo que promueva la inclusión y la calidad sin renunciar a la excelencia ni a la equidad y cómo puedes llevarlo a la práctica.
Aprende a diseñar e implementar procesos de evaluación efectiva y auténtica en entornos digitales.
Explore and understand your own theories of learning and leadership. Gain the tools to imagine and build the future of learning.
Learn about successful collaborations between families and educators and why they lead to improved outcomes for students and schools.
Explore evidence-based strategies to engage students with Common Core mathematics, including growth mindset techniques, mathematical discussions, and innovative assessment methods.
Conoce la importancia de la integridad académica, los aspectos, generalidades y medios de aplicación en la educación digital.
Explore the history, policy, and practice of American education reform in this 8-week course from the University of Pennsylvania. Discover the key actors, decisions, and turning points that have shaped the education system, and understand how social forc…
Explore strategies for inclusive education, focusing on supporting teachers to meet the needs of learners with severe to profound hearing, visual, and intellectual disabilities.
Esplora l'innovazione didattica attraverso risultati di apprendimento, valutazione, modelli pedagogici e reti di apprendimento attive per migliorare l'insegnamento e l'apprendimento.
Comprehensive guide to academic information seeking, covering search strategies, evaluation techniques, and ethical practices for effective research and citation.
You’ll discover why you should help students use two different neural routes to help them be both flexible and fast in their learning.
La pedagogia è una disciplina affascinante che riflette sull'educazione e sull'insegnamento. In questo corso si ripercorrono i modelli di formazione tradizionali e attuali, ed il concetto di educabilità .
Understand learners, policy and practice with this continuing professional development course for English language teachers.
Explore 21st-century skills, ICT and multilingual approaches with this English language teaching professional development course.
Look at lessons, courses and resources with this continuing professional development course for English language teachers.
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