Welcome to Learn to Speak Korean 1!
This course is for beginner students who are familiar with the Korean alphabet, Hangeul. Through this course students will learn the skills essential for daily interactions with Koreans while living in Korea.
This course consists of six modules, and each module is composed of five units. Each unit has vocabulary, grammar and expressions, conversation practice, video clips, quizzes, a workbook, and vocabulary lists. In order to assist students with their independent studies, Korean learning materials such as lecture notes, workbooks, and vocabulary lists detailing each day’s lecture are also provided. The vocabulary lists are accompanied by English, Chinese, and Japanese translations.
I hope that you enjoy all this program has to offer over the next six weeks. After studying in this program, you will be able to have a real Korean conversation with your newly acquired knowledge of the Korean language. Thank you!
Your Course Team
Chief Contents Developer: Sang Mee Han
Contents Developers: Bock Ja Lee, Yoo Kyung Choi, Ha Min Cho, Ju Eun Kim
Production Assistants: Jin Hee Kim, Eun Hye Kim
- Introducing One's Friends
- In this module, you will learn how to introduce your friends in Korean. After completing the lesson, you will be able to explain a person’s actions and movements in detail and to describe the appearance and characteristics of a person.
- Introducing One's Hometown
- In this module, you will learn how to introduce your hometown in Korean. After completing the lesson, you will be able to talk about the location of a person or object and to express the specific look and feel of one’s hometown.
- Introducing Food
- In this module, you will learn how to ask others to eat together and how to respond to similar suggestions in Korean. After completing the lesson, you will be able to introduce your favorite food, describe how certain foods taste, suggest something to do together and respond to a suggestion.
- Ordering Food
- In this module, you will learn how to order food and make requests at a restaurant in Korean. After completing the lesson, you will be able to inquire about restaurant menus, order a specific portion of food at a restaurant, and order a drink at a café.
- Introducing Places to Shop
- In this module, you will learn how to introduce famous shopping areas in Korean. After completing the lesson, you will be able to talk about where you are going to shop, describe various kinds of stores, talk about what you want to buy, and describe shopping districts in detail.
- Shopping
- In this module, you will learn how to make purchases at various types of stores in Korean. After completing the lesson, you will be able to express prices per item, purchase a product from a store, and make a specific request while shopping.
Taught by
Sang Mee Han
4.6 rating, based on 12 Class Central reviews
4.9 rating at Coursera based on 11444 ratings
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A good follow up to First Step Korean, this course does have some overlaps with the former but without the introduction to Hangul which is a prerequisite. I liked how the quizzes in this course, like the other one, poses questions almost entirely in…
I took "First Step Korean" in May 2016 that I found extremely interesting and well structured. That's why when this course came out last June, I immediately signed up. However, "Learn to Speak Korean 1" is not as substantial as "First Step Korean", the quizzes are too easy, the course is not thoughtful enough. Throughout the course, the professor asked foreign students to answer and pronounce the sentence, then ask learner to repeat after those students. All these students have their accent when speaking Korean and are not comfortable in front of camera, which didn't help me to improve my Korean. Comparing with "First Step Korean", this course has a lot to be reviewed and improved.
I actually enjoyed doing this course. Granted I have some experience since I have been self studying Korean for years now but I was glad to find a course that is from one of the top universities in Korea. I found it appropriate for beginners who have just finished learning the alphabet.
After taking First Step Korean, I took this course and I enjoyed it. Since the course won't go over Hangul, it's recommended that you take First Step Korean or familiarize yourself with Hangul before taking this course. All the lectures were well organized and the quizzes were manageable.
Thank you Professor Sang Mee Han and Yonsei University for providing this great course. I do hope there will be more Korean language courses in the future. -
I got a great opportunity to learn Korean Language. I am in Korea from more than 6 years but could not speak Korean well. But now i am feeling better in my speaking. I need to learn more and speak like Koreans.
This course helped me to polish myself in Korean language.
thank you very much,. -
안녕하세요.저는 김중미 입니다.나는 한국어를 공부하고 싶고 한국어 증명서를 받고 싶습니다.그리고 나는 한양 대학교에 장학금을 받고 싶습니다.1.자기 소개
안녕하세요.제 이름은 김중미예요.만나서 반가워요
2.(과거의 경험)
2년 전에 휴가 때 나는 아마나흐 보르네요에 간 적이 있어요.거기에서 공원,나무,수영장,여가 시설,토끼도 있어요.아마나흐 보르네요에서 나랑 내 가족은 산책하고 사진을 찍어요.그리고 거기에 있을 때 나랑 내 동생은 그 수영장에서 수영하고 싶지만 티켓 가격이 비싸요.그래서 수영장에 못 가요.
1.젓째 나는 학교를 졸업한 후에 한국에 가고 싶어요.한국에서 유학을 해요.그리고 나는 내 우상을 만나고 싶어요.제 우상은 김소현하고 쿠혜순하고 예린이에요.
2.둘째 나는 한양 대학교에서 대학생을 되고 싶어요.대학생 되면서 한국 배우를 되고 싶어요.그리고 김소현이랑 만날 수 있고 같이 연기하고 싶어요.이것 뿐만 아니라,나는 쿠혜순을 같이 사진을 찍으고 싶어요
3.셋째,대학교를 졸업 한 후에 관광 아내원을 되고 한국어 교수님을 되고 싶어요.그리고 예린을 만나고 싶어요 -
I am a Burmese. My country faced millitary coup. I don't like this situation. Because I speak out of our emotion feeling to others. So,I think I must learn to other further language. I interested in Koreaan language the most.
Very easy to follow, good format. Material (lecture notes, weekly vocab compilation) are very useful. Would pay to take advanced follow up courses.
The country I would like to work in southest Asia is south Korea (seoul).It is a big country in size, but one of the most developed countries in ASEAN.
I want to be a teacher at Korea. I'm 23 and l want to learn Korea to be fluently. I'm graduated but our nation is so weak at education that's why we can't improve all environment about education. Please l want to join Korea University.