This course will show how one can treat the Internet as a source of data. We will scrape, parse, and read web data as well as access data using web APIs. We will work with HTML, XML, and JSON data formats in Python. This course will cover Chapters 11-13 of the textbook “Python for Everybody”. To succeed in this course, you should be familiar with the material covered in Chapters 1-10 of the textbook and the first two courses in this specialization. These topics include variables and expressions, conditional execution (loops, branching, and try/except), functions, Python data structures (strings, lists, dictionaries, and tuples), and manipulating files. This course covers Python 3.
- Getting Started
- In this section you will install Python and a text editor. In previous classes in the specialization this was an optional assignment, but in this class it is the first requirement to get started. From this point forward we will stop using the browser-based Python grading environment because the browser-based Python environment (Skulpt) is not capable of running the more complex programs we will be developing in this class.
- Regular Expressions (Chapter 11)
- Regular expressions are a very specialized language that allow us to succinctly search strings and extract data from strings. Regular expressions are a language unto themselves. It is not essential to know how to use regular expressions, but they can be quite useful and powerful.
- Networks and Sockets (Chapter 12)
- In this section we learn about the protocols that web browsers use to retrieve documents and web applications use to interact with Application Program Interfaces (APIs).
- Programs that Surf the Web (Chapter 12)
- In this section we learn to use Python to retrieve data from web sites and APIs over the Internet.
- Web Services and XML (Chapter 13)
- In this section, we learn how to retrieve and parse XML (eXtensible Markup Language) data.
- JSON and the REST Architecture (Chapter 13)
- In this module, we work with Application Program Interfaces / Web Services using the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data format.
Taught by
Charles Severance
4.7 rating, based on 5,924 Class Central reviews
4.8 rating at Coursera based on 44331 ratings
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I have one big criticism of this class. The Python keyword "import" is never explained. The concept of "module" is never explained. We're just told to cant this magic incantation "import re" and suddenly statements that generated traceback erro…
I really enjoyed the first two courses of Dr. Chuck's Python for Everybody Specialization -- but not this one. As some other reviewers have already stated I, too, felt increasingly frustrated and somehow left alone during this course. Most of this c…
TL, dr: Flawed course in comparison to the first two ones. The course introduce new concepts, more or less technical to understand what's going on when you try to access web data from an external application, such as a programming language. If you'…
As I mentioned in the previous reviews about this Specialization, all these courses are meant for beginners without previous programming experience and difficulty of courses rises gradually. Thus, the first course was a real piece of cake, second g…
This course has helped me a big deal. Mr. Severence is such a genius in preparing the courses for his students to succeed. And something I liked most about the course is that one had to go on the ground and do tremendous research by himself to understand how certain things work out. Some people might find this very challenging but a good instructor does not spoon feed his trainee on a silver plate. The trainee's hands have to et dirty so as to grasp the concept permanently. To me, this course has changed my life and nowadays I don't have time to waste because everytime I get, I want to code and feel the excitement of discovering more things and seeing how things work out. Learning never stops, see you in the next chapter.
It is hard for me to give this anything lower than 5 stars since I'm truly learning much more than I otherwise would have from this course. I can only speak as a learner and not as an educational institution or teacher. With that said, I do understa…
great place to get started on using python for interesting automations, on web, on data and so on.
Highly recommend to try out the various modules in this introductory python course.
Dr. Chuck makes the sessions very interactive and enjoyable with excellent anecdotes from experts who have defined many of the standards and enabled the internet as we know it today. -
I am working my way through the Python Specialization. The first two courses were fantastic. This course, "Using Python to Access Web Data", was a bit of a struggle. While I still like Dr. Chuck's on camera teaching and the examples he provided,…
With this review, you must understand, a major part of this review is because of my interest/expectations/etc., what I was looking for from the course. If you are interested in “fully engaging” in Python, becoming a computer scientist, etc., this c…
slightly outdated but still mostly fun and good
Although my specialty is zoology, I signed up and paid for this course (one in a series offered by them) to learn a little about Python which intrigued me for some reason. The course gives a somewhat disjointed, quick overview of using Python to a…
I just completed the course. It is excellent, but needs a few bug fixes. The Week 5 Chapter assignment references the wrong exemplar (not wrong, per se, but far more complex than a simpler example covered in the lectures that transfers better to th…
As I mentioned in the previous reviews about this Specialisation, all these courses are meant for beginners without previous programming experience and difficulty of courses rises gradually. Thus, the first course was a real piece of cake, second go…
Officially finished this course! 60% done with the specification. My personal takeaway is that every person has their own pace, so I did much research on topics that were new to me outside the classroom (for example: differences between JAVA & JavaS…
"Using Python to Access Web Data" by the University of Michigan is a must-take course for anyone interested in harnessing the power of Python for web data manipulation. The course provides a well-rounded education in web scraping, web services, and…
A very good introduction to HTML, XML, and JSON, and for learning the use of Python to extract, parse data from internet.
Dr. Chuck's Python course on Web Data Access was insightful, especially regarding the challenges encountered while working with the third party APIs for data scraping. His teaching style effectively demystified the complexities of accessing web data using Python.
Navigating the Twitter API posed a unique set of challenges, and it felt a little difficult for me to go through the intricacies. On Twitter's Dev Portal, they are discouraging the use of v1 and have been promoting to use the v2. I could not successfully run that code on my computer to scrape the data from Twitter. Other than that, everything was explained lucidly. I would recommend others to work through this course for learning to use Python for accessing Web Data. -
I've completed the two previous courses and I learned basic programming, I had few things which weren't ideal. This "course" or section I should say, is a disaster. Previous issues were the little content available for each course, by the end of it…
It´s a course to begin to learn how we explore data from the web. It´s a very basic course that you have some ready codes and have to understand them so you can get the specific data you want.
By: Gemechis Neshad I recently completed the "Using Python to Access Web Data" course from the University of Michigan through Coursera, and it was a transformative experience for me. This course introduced me to various tools and techniques essenti…