[2025] 300+ Philosophy Courses You Can Take for Free
A wide selection of online courses to explore philosophy from various cultures, including ethics, logic, and famous philosophers.
Philosophy has been studied for thousands of years, with rich strands of tradition spanning time and cultures from East to West. But in our current technological age, one might wonder, does philosophy still hold relevance?
We argue that philosophy is as important now as it has ever been. This relevance extends beyond metaphysical musings, such as pondering “What’s the meaning of life?“. A quick glance at the daily news reveals a multitude of ethical dilemmas that demand critical thinking and logical reasoning to effectively address.
Moreover, emerging insights from the intersection of philosophy and science are aiding our understanding of complex subjects, such as cognition and consciousness. These insights, however, invariably raise even more questions, underscoring the continuous relevance of philosophical inquiry.
At its core, philosophy represents a methodical approach to questioning and exploration. It offers a toolkit for building knowledge and finding solace in various ways, from argumentative dialogue to mindfulness practices. Like any expansive discipline, philosophy encompasses many branches.
In this article, we have compiled a series of online courses to help you explore the many facets of philosophy.
For your convenience, we’ve broken down the list by topic. Click on a subject to jump to the corresponding section:
- Philosophy (221)
- Logic (40)
- Ancient Philosophy (1)
- Political Philosophy (41)
- Philosophy of Mind (32)
- Chinese Philosophy (3)
- Logical Fallacies (1)
- Confucianism (1)
- Marxism (6)
- Epistemology (7)
- Propositional Logic (7)
- Postmodernism (1)
- Truth-tables (1)
- Ethical Reasoning (1)
- Paradoxes (4)
- First-Order Logic (5)
- Phenomenology (2)
- Western Philosophy (2)
- Taoism (1)
- Formal Logic (1)
- Deductive Reasoning (1)
- Free Will (1)
- Metaphysics (2)
- Proof Theory (2)
- Aristotle (3)
- Indian Philosophy (1)
- Syllogisms (1)
- Determinism (1)
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Philosophy (221)
- A Life of Happiness and Fulfillment from Indian School of Business ★★★★★(502)
- HOPE: What Makes Us Human from Tel Aviv University ★★★★★(308)
- Introduction to Philosophy from University of Edinburgh ★★★★☆(73)
- Philosophy, Science and Religion: Religion and Science from University of Edinburgh ★★★★★(69)
- Success: Practical Thinking Skills from Hong Kong Polytechnic University ★★★★★(61)
- Moralities of Everyday Life from Yale University ★★★★★(42)
- Philosophy, Science and Religion: Philosophy and Religion from University of Edinburgh ★★★★☆(23)
- Perdón y reconciliación: cómo sanar heridas from The Pontificia Universidad Javeriana ★★★★★(23)
- Comprendere la filosofia from University of Naples Federico II ★★★★★(22)
- Ancient Philosophy: Plato & His Predecessors from University of Pennsylvania ★★★★★(13)
- Søren Kierkegaard – Subjectivity, Irony and the Crisis of Modernity from University of Copenhagen ★★★★☆(12)
- Think Again I: How to Understand Arguments from Duke University ★★★★☆(11)
- Intellectual Humility: Practice from University of Edinburgh ★★★★★(10)
- Philosophy and the Sciences: Introduction to the Philosophy of Physical Sciences from University of Edinburgh ★★★★★(9)
- Intellectual Humility: Science from University of Edinburgh ★★★★★(9)
- Ancient Philosophy: Aristotle and His Successors from University of Pennsylvania ★★★★☆(9)
- Calvin – Histoire et réception d’une Réforme from University of Geneva ★★★★☆(8)
- Humanity and Nature in Chinese Thought | 中国哲学思想中的人类与自然观 from The University of Hong Kong ★★★★★(7)
- Intellectual Humility: Theory from University of Edinburgh ★★★★★(6)
- Unethical Decision Making in Organizations from University of Lausanne ★★★★☆(6)
- Think Again II: How to Reason Deductively from Duke University ★★★★☆(5)
- Reason and Persuasion: Thinking Through Three Dialogues By Plato from National University of Singapore ★★★★☆(5)
- Idealismo filosófico y cosmovisiones: cómo hacer mundos con ideas from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid ★★★★★(4)
- Question Reality! Science, philosophy, and the search for meaning from Dartmouth College ★★★★☆(3)
- Introduction to Bioethics from Georgetown University ★★★★★(3)
- Philosophy and the Sciences: Introduction to the Philosophy of Cognitive Sciences from University of Edinburgh ★★★★★(3)
- The Conscious Mind – A Philosophical Road Trip from Trinity College ★★★★☆(3)
- Know Thyself – The Value and Limits of Self-Knowledge: The Unconscious from University of Edinburgh ★★★★★(2)
- The Ancient Greek Hero from Harvard University ★★★☆☆(2)
- Living at the Nuclear Brink from Stanford University ★★★★★(2)
- Soul Beliefs: Causes and Consequences – Unit 3: How Does It All End? from Rutgers University ★★★★★(2)
- Power and Responsibility: Doing Philosophy with Superheroes from Harvard University ★★★★★(1)
- Reasoning Across the Disciplines from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ★★★★★(1)
- Think Again III: How to Reason Inductively from Duke University ★★★★★(1)
- Think Again IV: How to Avoid Fallacies from Duke University ★★★★☆(1)
- The Path to Happiness: What Chinese Philosophy Teaches us about the Good Life from Harvard University ★★★★☆(1)
- Philosophy, Science and Religion: Science and Philosophy from University of Edinburgh ★★★☆☆(1)
- Relativism from University of California, Irvine ★★★★☆(1)
- The Great War and Modern Philosophy from KU Leuven University ★★★★☆(1)
- Plato, Socrates, and the Birth of Western Philosophy | 西方哲学精神探源 from Tsinghua University ★★☆☆☆(1)
- Introduction to Korean Philosophy and Culture from Sungkyunkwan University ★★★★★(1)
- Introducing philosophy from The Open University ★★★★☆(1)
- Introduction to Korean Philosophy from Sungkyunkwan University ★★★★☆(1)
- ¿Cómo persuadir? Jugando con palabras, imágenes y números from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Autonomous University of Barcelona) ★★★☆☆(1)
- 活用希臘哲學 (Understanding the Greek Philosophy) from National Taiwan University ★★★★☆(1)
- L’avenir de la décision : connaître et agir en complexité from ESSEC Business School ★★★★★(1)
- Philosophy of the Humanities from Leiden University ★★★★☆(1)
- 莊子─姿勢、意識與感情 (Zhuangzi─Posture, Awareness, and Sentiment) from National Taiwan University ★★★★★(1)
- Historia de la ética from Universidad Carlos iii de Madrid ★★★★★(1)
- 哲学导论(中文版) from University of Edinburgh ★★★☆☆(1)
- The Existential Crisis Playlist by Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell from Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell ★★★★★(1)
- John Tasioulas | Human Rights || Radcliffe Institute from Harvard University ★★★★★(1)
- Libertarian Free Will: Neuroscientific and Philosophical Evidence from Dartmouth College
- Skepticism from University of California, Irvine
- The Politics of Skepticism from Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Question Reality: Mind from Dartmouth College
- Neural Basis of Imagination, Free Will, and Morality from Dartmouth College
- Mao to Now: On Chinese Marxism from University of Newcastle
- Philosophy for Children and P.E.A.C.E. from University of Naples Federico II
- Understanding Human Being Nature and Existence Comprehensively
- Ethics in Action from SDG Academy
- Global Ethics: An Introduction from The Open University
- Thought Experiments: An introduction to philosophy from Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Essentials of Indian Philosophy from IGNOU
- In Search for the Origins of Korean Philosophy from Sungkyunkwan University
- The Basics of Libertarian Free Will from Dartmouth College
- Introducing the philosophy of religion from The Open University
- Philosophy: the nature of persons from The Open University
- New Horizons in Chinese Philosophy | 中国哲学新视野 from Tsinghua University
- Introduction à la philosophie de Friedrich Nietzsche from Sorbonne Universités
- MGP-002 Philosophy of Gandhi from IGNOU
- Imagination: The missing mystery of philosophy from The Open University
- Cultural Dialogues: An Intercultural Reading of The Analects and Tao Te Ching from Shanghai International Studies University
- Death with Shelly Kagan from Yale University
- Exploring the Origins of Selfhood from University of Colorado System
- Exploring philosophy: faking nature from The Open University
- Reality Bites: Introduction to metaphysics from Erasmus University Rotterdam
- MGP-004 Gandhi’s Political Thought from IGNOU
- The Epistemic Quest for Truth: Introduction to epistemology from Erasmus University Rotterdam
- David Hume from The Open University
- 發展心理學:哲學觀與方法論 (Developmental Psychology: Philosophical Bases and Methodology) from National Taiwan University
- Samuel Johnson’s Rasselas: An Introduction from Ralston College
- Ideological & Moral Cultivation and Fundamentals of Law | 思想道德修养与法律基础 from Tsinghua University
- 莊子─人情 (Zhuangzi─Between People) from National Taiwan University
- Introduzione alla filosofia from University of Naples Federico II
- Why are you alive? – Key Existential ideas
- MGPE-009: Gandhi in the 21st Century from IGNOU
- 東亞儒學:孟子一(East Asian Confucianisms: Mencius (1)) from National Taiwan University
- Emotion: an introductory picture from The Open University
- 東亞儒家:人文精神二(East Asian Confucianisms: Humanism (2)) from National Taiwan University
- 東亞儒學:孟子二 (East Asian Confucianisms: Mencius(2)) from National Taiwan University
- Introducción a Filosofía I from Elbio Fernández Institute
- 中国哲学经典著作导读 from Xi’an Jiaotong University
- 悖论:思维的魔方 from Peking University
- Philosophy from Serious Science
- PHIL304: Existentialism
- Логика from Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
- 《论语》的智慧 from Xi’an Jiaotong University
- Introducción a Filosofía III from Elbio Fernández Institute
- Теория аргументации from Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
- The Vocabulary of Science: First Steps to Science Literacy
- Secondary : Bhartiya Darshan (247) from NIOS
- Philosophy from CEC
- Meccanica applicata alle macchine from University of Naples Federico II
- 品读道家的智慧 from Xi’an Jiaotong University
- Mind-Body Philosophy of the East & West | Spiritual Dualism in the History of Thought from Wondrium
- กสิกรรมธรรมชาติ | Natural agriculture
- 《新教伦理与资本主义精神》导读 from Fudan University
- Conceito de Tempo
- Philosophy In Film and Other Media from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Filosofía, Ciencia y Humanidad from Universidad Anáhuac
- The Urgent Need for Stoicism
- Philosophy of Film from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Neoliberalism
- René Descartes – Meditation – A Cosmological Proof of God’s Existence from Jeffrey Kaplan
- What is Philosophy? from Jeffrey Kaplan
- 庄子哲学导读 from Tsinghua University
- René Descartes – Meditation – The Ontological Proof of God’s Existence from Jeffrey Kaplan
- René Descartes – Meditation – I think, therefore, I am from Jeffrey Kaplan
- René Descartes – Meditation – The Method of Doubt from Jeffrey Kaplan
- Philosophy of Love in the Western World from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- 思想道德修养与法律基础 from Hunan University
- Evrim teorisi ve İslam
- Ian Durham – Toward a formal model of free will from Models of Consciousness Conferences
- Chetan Prakash – Structure Invention by Conscious Agents from Models of Consciousness Conferences
- A Brief History of Balance – Carlos Gershenson SFI Seminar from Santa Fe Institute
- The End of Everything: A Discussion from Santa Fe Institute
- Is Pleasure the Only Good Thing? – Nozick’s Experience Machine Thought Experiment from Jeffrey Kaplan
- Nietzsche’s Genealogy of Morals from Jeffrey Kaplan
- What Is Time? | Professor Sean Carroll Explains Presentism and Eternalism from Wondrium
- Information, Evolution, and intelligent Design – With Daniel Dennett from The Royal Institution
- Kintsugi | Ignatius Puthenveettil | TEDxMEC from TEDx
- Grieving Someone That Is Still Alive | Mathilda Gustafsson | TEDxAUCollege from TEDx
- Forgiveness in Times of Turmoil (podcast recording) from The Aspen Institute
- Ralph Adolphs (Caltech): The Essential Role of Philosophy in Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology from Schmid College, Chapman University
- 1. Introduction from Yale University
- 20. The value of life, Part II; Other bad aspects of death, Part I from Yale University
- 19. Immortality Part II; The value of life, Part I from Yale University
- 16. Dying alone; The badness of death, Part I from Yale University
- 18. The badness of death, Part III; Immortality, Part I from Yale University
- 17. The badness of death, Part II: The deprivation account from Yale University
- 23. How to live given the certainty of death from Yale University
- 14. What matters (cont.); The nature of death, Part I from Yale University
- 8. Plato, Part III: Arguments for the immortality of the soul (cont.) from Yale University
- 15. The nature of death (cont.); Believing you will die from Yale University
- 22. Fear of death from Yale University
- 21. Other bad aspects of death, Part II from Yale University
- 7. Plato, Part II: Arguments for the immortality of the soul from Yale University
- 1. Course introduction from Yale University
- Autodiagnosis and the Dynamical Emergence Theory of Basic Consciousness from Santa Fe Institute
- The Evolution of Agency from Santa Fe Institute
- Ray Monk on The Lives of Extraordinary Individuals: Wittgenstein, Russell, Oppenheimer from Santa Fe Institute
- A.J. Ayer’s Emotivist Theory of Moral Language from Jeffrey Kaplan
- Immanuel Kant’s Moral Theory – a summary with examples from Jeffrey Kaplan
- How Occam’s Razor Changed the World of Science – with Johnjoe McFadden from The Royal Institution
- A Series of Fortunate Events – with Sean B. Carroll from The Royal Institution
- Feeling the Way to Truth | Christia Mercer || Radcliffe Institute from Harvard University
- A finite discussion on the Infinite by Tanvi Jain from International Centre for Theoretical Sciences
- Lillian B. Pierce: The hedgehog and the fox from International Mathematical Union
- Una luminosa oscurità | Emiliano Brajato | TEDxNoventaVicentina from TEDx
- كيف تشكلنا أصول الأشياء ومرجعها وبدايتها؟ | Dr. Nada AlShanar | TEDxKSAUHS from TEDx
- Μία καλοπροαίρετη τοποθέτηση από έναν άσχετο για τον Πλάτωνα | Renos Haralambidis | TEDxAUTH from TEDx
- Etre dans l’entre | Chantal Dugave & Chris Younès | TEDxENTPE from TEDx
- Terence McKenna Explores Art, Psychedelics, Culture, Creativity, and Consciousness from deeplizard
- 2023 Resnick Aspen Action Forum | Bayo Akomolafe on the Art of Repair from The Aspen Institute
- Unlocking the Secrets of a Fulfilling Life: Insights from Ancient Wisdom and Modern Understand from The Aspen Institute
- What Makes Life Good? from The Aspen Institute
- Lulu Miller and Krista Tippett – Aspen Ideas Festival from The Aspen Institute
- Jordan Peterson: From the Barricades of the Culture Wars from The Aspen Institute
- Climbing Mount Sisyphus from Santa Fe Institute
- Alien Crash Site. #014. Natalie Elliot from Santa Fe Institute
- The Peculiar Logic of Human Values from Santa Fe Institute
- Appealing to Intuitions – Why We Can’t Get Along Without Them from Santa Fe Institute
- Realising your goals through philosophy – with Valerie Tiberius from The Royal Institution
- Matrix to metaverse: Can we live a meaningful life in virtual reality? – with David J Chalmers from The Royal Institution
- Tutto ciò che vive ha un orizzonte | Marco Rovelli | TEDxFerrara from TEDx
- Crystals That Think About How They’re Growing (David Doty, UC Davis) from Paul G. Allen School
- BSidesLV 2013 2 1 5 The Erudite Inebriate’s Guide to Life, Liberty, and the Purfuit of Happinefs
- The Disappeared of History, a conversation with Brad Evans & Chantal Meza from Mahindra Humanities Center
- Tanner Lectures: The Paradoxes of Empathy — Lecture 2 from Mahindra Humanities Center
- Tanner Lectures: The Paradoxes of Empathy — Lecture 1 from Mahindra Humanities Center
- “Медленное” мышление и этика развития искусственного интеллекта | Динара Рыскулбекова | TEDxAstana from TEDx
- Le courage de renoncer | Gilles Vervisch | TEDxTours from TEDx
- Tutto in tutto | Filippo Mignini | TEDxMacerata from TEDx
- Balance: Philosophical Implications from Santa Fe Institute
- 「物語」は最後の砦 / Narrative, the last pillar of emotion | Takanobu Kinjo | TEDxKeioU from TEDx
- Tutto in tutto | Filippo Mignini | TEDxMacerata from TEDx
- Peut-on vraiment changer le monde ? | Christopher Laquieze | TEDxKedgeBSBordeaux from TEDx
- Ricordati di vivere: la meditazione della Morte. | Laura Campanello | TEDxBergamo from TEDx
- 直面人生荒谬,重拾本真自我 | Wei Wang | TEDxWeixiuyuanRoad from TEDx
- Despre veritabilitate | Gabriel Săndoiu | TEDxSaint Sava National College Youth from TEDx
- Conectat, dar singur? | Dumitru Borțun | TEDxBrașovSalon from TEDx
- Abracadabra! Mondi a portata di mano | Sara Matetich | TEDxUniSalerno from TEDx
- A Strange Story About Life’s Greatest Secret | Afshan Khalid | TEDxBICLahore from TEDx
- Həyatımızın qara dəlikləri | Rovsan Abdullaoghlu | TEDxUNEC from TEDx
- Against Shametenance | Clare Chambers | TEDxThe Perse School Cambridge from TEDx
- Biopolitica celor dezrădăcinați. Înrădăcinarea celor rămași. | Oana Șerban | TEDxSepsiszentgyorgy from TEDx
- 「わかり合えなさ」を哲学してみる | Yotetsu Tonaki | TEDxRikkyoU from TEDx
- Ölümsüzlüğü Aramak | Hilal Zeyneb Saraç | TEDxBilkent U from TEDx
- ¿Se puede creer en lo imposible? | José Antonio Ruiz Rojo | TEDxAlcarriaSt from TEDx
- “美”的纠结和魅力 | 王浩 WangHao | TEDxBeijing Live from TEDx
- The Wisdom of Ancient Java for Future Technology | Asisi Suhariyanto | TEDxUniversitasAirlangga from TEDx
- La complessità e me… | Fabio Cantelli Anibaldi | TEDxRavenna from TEDx
- Philosophy education should be truly universal | Oran Magal | TEDxMcGill from TEDx
- Navigating Absolute Truth, Yet Failing | Metin Yüzücüer | TEDxEyüboğlu HS Youth from TEDx
- The Question of Happiness from The Aspen Institute
- Sınırların Ötesinde Kültür | Bergen Coşkun Özüaydın | TEDxBahcesehir University from TEDx
- Rasyonel Olmayan Bir Varlık Olarak İnsan | Bekir Zakir Çoban | TEDxİzmir Atatürk Lisesi Youth from TEDx
- 找尋停不下來的感動 | 雞男 哲學 | TEDxNCU from TEDx
- Humans and their unconscious | Mariya Benkhelifa | TEDxArtsEtMetiersBordeaux from TEDx
- Plato’s Cave: Thinking about Climate Change – Melissa Lane from Gresham College
- Il valore della guerra | Francesco Petrucciano | TEDxFrosinone from TEDx
- Aristotle’s Criticism of Democritus’ Continuum (with Giovanna Giardina, University of Catania) from Schmid College, Chapman University
- Reza Moghaddassi – TEDxIMTMinesAles | Reza Moghaddassi | TEDxIMTMinesAles from TEDx
- mod03lec13 – Historical Perspective: Emergence of Materialism and Idealism – Part 01 from NPTEL-NOC IITM
- mod01lec04 – Idealism Versus Materialism from NPTEL-NOC IITM
- mod03lec14 – Historical Perspective: Emergence of Materialism and Idealism – Part 02 from NPTEL-NOC IITM
- mod01lec03 – Subjective Thinking Versus Objective Thinking from NPTEL-NOC IITM
- David Builes – “Center Indifference and Skepticism” from Foundations of Physics @Harvard
Logic (40)
- Logic and Economic Thinking/Reasoning ★☆☆☆☆(1)
- Logic and Paradoxes from Universidad de Navarra
- Logic: The Language of Truth from University of York
- Semantics of First-Order Logic from Stanford University
- PHIL102: Introduction to Critical Thinking and Logic
- Logic 101 MOOC
- Informal Fallacy Logic
- Basic concepts of Logic University Freshman
- Paul Andre Mellies: An introduction to tensorial logic and dialogue categories from Hausdorff Center for Mathematics
- What makes a proof acceptable? from Fields Institute
- Dana S Scott, 1976 ACM Turing Award Recipient – Part 4 of 4 from Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
- Learning Logically Defined Hypotheses – Martin Grohe, RWTH Aachen University from Alan Turing Institute
- Solving Impossible Puzzles | Math Logic and Games from Wondrium
- Graham Leigh: On the computational content of classical sequent calculus from Hausdorff Center for Mathematics
- Martin Hötzel Escardó: Constructive Mathematics in Univalent Type Theory (Lecture I) from Hausdorff Center for Mathematics
- Bahareh Afshari: Cyclic Modal Proofs from Hausdorff Center for Mathematics
- Logic and Probabilistic Circuits 1 from Simons Institute
- Algebraic Structures in Logic and Query Evaluation 2 from Simons Institute
- Algebraic Structures in Logic and Query Evaluation 1 from Simons Institute
- Algebraic Structures in Logic and Query Evaluation 3 from Simons Institute
- Algebraic Structures in Logic and Query Evaluation 4 from Simons Institute
- A brief history of logic: from Leibniz to Boole | Math Foundations 254 | N J Wildberger from Insights into Mathematics
- A brief history of logic: Aristotle and deduction | Math Foundations 251 | NJ Wildberger from Insights into Mathematics
- Gödel’s Proof of God – In Depth from Write your own Operating System
- “War Time Proofs and Futuristic Programs” by Valeria de Paiva from Strange Loop Conference
- Compiling FO Sentences to Circuits: Upper Bounds and Lower Bounds on the Size of the Circuit from Simons Institute
- An Approximate Skolem Function Counter from Simons Institute
- Consistency, Acyclicity, and Positive Semirings from Simons Institute
- Algorithmic Aspects of Semiring Provenance for Stratified Datalog from Simons Institute
- Datalog and Equality Saturation from Simons Institute
- Logical Interfaces to Data, Beyond Views from Simons Institute
- Circuits for Querying Trees: A Little Survey from Simons Institute
- Playing Lewis Carroll’s Game of Logic on the ORIGINAL 150 YEAR OLD BOARD from Tom Rocks Maths
- Unlocking the hidden science of reasoning | Benjamin Bode | TEDxRaleigh from TEDx
- Introduction to Logic (for AI) from Neuro Symbolic
- Beyond Truth & Falsehood: Logic as a Calculus of Events from UCLA Automated Reasoning Group
- Queering Consequence: A Framework for Liberatory Logics (Roy T. Cook, University of Minnesota) from Schmid College, Chapman University
- Definition and Content in Frege’s Logic (with Robert May, UC Davis) from Schmid College, Chapman University
- Thomas Colcombet : Algebra vs Logic over (generalised) words from Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques
- 2.3 – Truth, Logic, and Provability from NPTEL-NOC IITM
Ancient Philosophy (1)
- A brief history of logic: Stoics and other thinkers | MathFoundations 252 | NJ Wildberger from Insights into Mathematics ★★★★★(1)
Political Philosophy (41)
- PHIL103: Moral and Political Philosophy
- Two concepts of freedom from The Open University
- “A Defense of Natural Liberty” Jerry Gaus, Hayek Lecture Series from Duke University
- Alex Gourevitch | The Political Ethics of the Strike || Radcliffe Institute from Harvard University
- 8. Smith: The Invisible Hand from Yale University
- 3. Socratic Citizenship: Plato’s Crito from Yale University
- BBC Radio’s The Public Philosopher with Michael Sandel | Institute of Politics from Harvard University
- 17. Distributive Justice and the Welfare State from Yale University
- 19. The Burkean Outlook from Yale University
- 20. Contemporary Communitarianism (I) from Yale University
- 8. Limits of the Neoclassical Synthesis from Yale University
- 7. Utilitarianism and Liberty, John Stuart Mill from Yale University
- 6. Rousseau on State of Nature and Education from Yale University
- 5. Rousseau: Popular Sovereignty and General Will from Yale University
- 4. The Division of Powers- Montesquieu from Yale University
- 3. Locke: Equality, Freedom, Property and the Right to Dissent from Yale University
- 2. Hobbes: Authority, Human Rights and Social Order from Yale University
- 6. From Classical to Neoclassical Utilitarianism from Yale University
- 2. Introductory Lecture from Yale University
- 12. The Sovereign State: Hobbes’ Leviathan from Yale University
- 8. The Mixed Regime and the Rule of Law: Aristotle’s Politics, IV from Yale University
- 5. Philosophers and Kings: Plato’s Republic, III-IV from Yale University
- 11. New Modes and Orders: Machiavelli’s The Prince (chaps. 13-26) from Yale University
- 23. Democratic Statecraft: Tocqueville’s Democracy in America from Yale University
- 24. In Defense of Politics from Yale University
- 13. The Sovereign State: Hobbes’ Leviathan from Yale University
- 10. New Modes and Orders: Machiavelli’s The Prince (chaps. 1-12) from Yale University
- 9. The Mixed Regime and the Rule of Law: Aristotle’s Politics, VII from Yale University
- 6. Philosophers and Kings: Plato’s Republic, V from Yale University
- 4. Philosophers and Kings: Plato’s Republic, I-II from Yale University
- 2. Socratic Citizenship: Plato’s Apology from Yale University
- Sari Nusseibeh in Conversation with Homi Bhabha on Jerusalem: What Sharing a City Means from Harvard University
- Délibérer avec des “moi” multiples | Bernard Reber | TEDxAgroParisTech from TEDx
- George Will on American Conservatism from The Aspen Institute
- A Thousand Small Sanities from The Aspen Institute
- Who Needs Truth? An Evening of Politics and Performance from The Aspen Institute
- A Cooperative Species 3 – Machiavelli’s Mistake: Why Policies Designed for “Wicked Men” Fail from Santa Fe Institute
- The Social Contract. Is Blind trust worth it? | Barra McCluskey | TEDxBelvedere College Youth from TEDx
- Experts in politics: Lessons from Socrates and Aristotle – Melissa Lane from Gresham College
- “The Centre Must Hold” – what role can centrist politics play in a polarised world? from World Economic Forum
- W.E.B. Du Bois – Cambridge Text in the History of Political Thought Webinars from Cambridge University Press
Philosophy of Mind (32)
- Minds and mental phenomena: an introduction from The Open University
- Theodor Nenu – The Strange Loops Inside Our Brains from Models of Consciousness Conferences
- Larissa Albantakis – Why a little bit of causal structure is necessary… even for functionalists from Models of Consciousness Conferences
- Ignacio Cea –A vector model of how consciousness as integrated information makes a causal difference from Models of Consciousness Conferences
- SFI Community Lecture – Dan Dennett and Michael Gazzaniga from Santa Fe Institute
- What is a mind? – with Philip Ball from The Royal Institution
- 3. Arguments for the existence of the soul, Part I from Yale University
- 4. Introduction to Plato’s Phaedo; Arguments for the existence of the soul, Part II from Yale University
- 9. Plato, Part IV: Arguments for the immortality of the soul (cont.) from Yale University
- 11. Personal identity, Part II: The body theory and the personality theory from Yale University
- 13. Personal identity, Part IV; What matters? from Yale University
- 5. Arguments for the existence of the soul, Part III: Free will and near-death experiences from Yale University
- 10. Personal identity, Part I: Identity across space and time and the soul theory from Yale University
- Johannes Kleiner – On the Mathematical Basis of Models of Consciousness from Models of Consciousness Conferences
- Natesh Ganesh – No Substitute for Functionalism from Models of Consciousness Conferences
- Ariel Zeleznikow-Johnston – Towards a category-theoretic framework for phenomenal holism from Models of Consciousness Conferences
- Peter Lloyd – Automata-theoretic approach to modelling consciousness within mental monism from Models of Consciousness Conferences
- Functionalism from Jeffrey Kaplan
- WSU: Free Will and Neuroscience with Alfred Mele from World Science Festival
- David Chalmers: Understanding Understanding Through Conceptual Engineering from Santa Fe Institute
- Raphaël Millière: Dimensions of Meaning Understanding from Santa Fe Institute
- Jacob Foster: Deconstructing the Barrier of Meaning from Santa Fe Institute
- Dan Dennett: The Evolution of Understanding on Several Levels from Santa Fe Institute
- Lisa Miracchi: Why Intelligent Reasoning Must Be Embodied from Santa Fe Institute
- Seth Lloyd “Turing Test for Free Will” (C4 Public Lecture) from Santa Fe Institute
- Is Free Will an Illusion? What Can Cognitive Science Tell Us? from Santa Fe Institute
- If Brains are Computers, Who Designs the Software? – with Daniel Dennett from The Royal Institution
- A life of the mind – with Daniel Dennett from The Royal Institution
- Consciousness and Large Language Models from Simons Institute
- On the Hard Problem of Pain from Simons Institute
- Introduction to Symbol Grounding from Neuro Symbolic
- Aaron Schurger (Chapman University): Philosophy & Neuroscience in the Study of Conscious Perception from Schmid College, Chapman University
Chinese Philosophy (3)
- โลกทัศน์ใหม่ในปรัชญาจีน | New Horizons in Chinese Philosophy|中国哲学新视野
- Przyszłość już była, a wielkie jest małym | Marcin Jacoby | TEDxSopot SWPS from TEDx
- Umano e natura sono un unico corpo? Tra Occidente e Cina | Selusi Ambrogio | TEDxLungarnoMediceo from TEDx
Logical Fallacies (1)
Confucianism (1)
Marxism (6)
- 12. Marx’s Theory of History from Yale University
- 11. Marx’s Theory of Historical Materialism (cont.) from Yale University
- 10. Marx’s Theory of Historical Materialism (1) from Yale University
- 9. Marx’s Theory of Alienation from Yale University
- 10. Marx’s Theory of Capitalism from Yale University
- Walter Benjamin’s The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction 1 from NPTEL-NOC IITM
Epistemology (7)
- Complexity Explorer Lecture: David Krakauer • What is Complexity? from Santa Fe Institute
- Simon DeDeo on Good Explanations & Diseases of Epistemology from Santa Fe Institute
- Complexity Explorer Lecture: Epistemological emergence • Miguel Fuentes from Complexity Explorer
- Bayesianism & Explanationism from Santa Fe Institute
- David Krakauer: Feynman, Shannon, and Darwin Worry About Understanding from Santa Fe Institute
- William Kentridge | Drawing Lesson Four: Practical Epistemology: Life in the Studio from Mahindra Humanities Center
- Generative Epistemics and Aesthetics from Santa Fe Institute
Propositional Logic (7)
- Introduction to Propositional Logic from Neuro Symbolic
- The Limits of Proof from Simons Institute
- The Holy Grail of Propositional Logic | MathFoundations 279 | N J Wildberger from Insights into Mathematics
- Replacing truth tables and Boolean equivalences | MathFoundations274 | N J Wildberger from Insights into Mathematics
- Propositional Logic and the Algebra of Boole | MathFoundations273 | N J Wildberger from Insights into Mathematics
- Inference Rules via the Algebra of Boole | MathFoundations 275 | N J Wildberger from Insights into Mathematics
- Inference in propositional logic from Neuro Symbolic
Postmodernism (1)
- 15. The Postmodern Psyche from Yale University
Truth-tables (1)
- A Systematic Approach to Logical Deduction, & the Boole-Mobius transform II | MF278 | N J Wildberger from Insights into Mathematics
Ethical Reasoning (1)
- Explaining generalisation and individual justice, Reuben Binns from Alan Turing Institute
Paradoxes (4)
- Eschermatics – Roger Penrose from University of Oxford
- Is Infinity a Number? | Mind-Bending Paradoxes with David Kung from Wondrium
- Voting & the Electoral College: Logic, Riddles, & Paradoxes in Math and History | Brain Teasers from Wondrium
- Four Fascinating Paradoxes | Wondrium Perspectives from Wondrium
First-Order Logic (5)
- CirC: Compiler infrastructure for proof systems, software verification, and more from IEEE
- Semiring Semantics from Simons Institute
- Peter Koepke: FOL from a Naproche perspective from Hausdorff Center for Mathematics
- Ramsey Quantifiers in First-Order Logic: Complexity and Applications to Verification from Simons Institute
- Tutorial: First Order Logic (FOL, Predicate Calculus) from Neuro Symbolic
Phenomenology (2)
- Examination of Self Patterns: An alternative phenomenological interview from University of Melbourne
- 481 – Why are Some Affordances More Inviting than Others? from Rob Gray
Western Philosophy (2)
- Is Our Ethos of the American Independent Spirit Hurting Us? from The Aspen Institute
- The Foundations of Western Philosophy from NPTEL-NOC IITM
Taoism (1)
- 從台南運河看人水和諧共生 | 郭哲均 阿波 | TEDxAnping Salon from TEDx
Formal Logic (1)
- Mario Carneiro: Metamath Zero – Export your Logic from Hausdorff Center for Mathematics
Deductive Reasoning (1)
- Deductive Reasoning for Cross-Knowledge Graph Entailment pt 1 from Neuro Symbolic
Free Will (1)
- Uri Maoz (Chapman University): Neuroscience and Philosophy in the Scientific Study of Free Will from Schmid College, Chapman University
Metaphysics (2)
- Giuliano Torrengo: Fragmented Time and Open Future from NCCR SwissMAP
- Alison Fernandes – “Naturalism, Functionalism and the Metaphysics of Science” from Foundations of Physics @Harvard
Proof Theory (2)
- Dale Miller: From axioms to synthetic inference rules via focusing from Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques
- Thomas Powell : Recursive inequalities in applied proof theory from Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques
Aristotle (3)
- Aristotle’s Poetics Session 2 from NPTEL-NOC IITM
- Aristotle’s Poetics Session 1 from NPTEL-NOC IITM
- Aristotle’s Poetics Session 3 from NPTEL-NOC IITM
Indian Philosophy (1)
- mod03lec18 – Historical Perspective: Science in Ancient India from NPTEL-NOC IITM
Syllogisms (1)
- mod02lec12 – Logical Reasoning: Syllogism Logic, Truth and Validity from NPTEL-NOC IITM
Determinism (1)

Bobby Brady

Manoel Cortes Mendez

Philosophy, more than any other discipline, is discursive and heuristic in nature. That is, the didactic component of philosophy teaching – getting the facts across about who said what when – is secondary to the discursive dimension – actually thinking in public contexts, making arguments and having them subjected to criticism, and the heuristic dimension – following models, making intellectual products such as presentations and papers for publication. This presents a challenge to the MOOC community. Scaling up didactics is trivial, but scaling up discussion and modeling is not. There are some successful examples of the latter in the MOOC world. It would be interesting to investigate how successful this set of MOOCs is when considered in this light. Wish I had the time. Hope some philosopher with pedagogical interests takes up this challenge.
New Year with a New Realization of Reality
“But in our current technological age, is it still important to study philosophy?” – Was it ever important? Did it do any good to society?
If we define truth in the following way: (1) Truth must come from the laws of nature only, (2) Nature always demonstrates its laws, (3) Therefore truth must be unique and universal.
Thus truth must be observed in the demonstrations given by nature, just like Galileo did. Then we can see that there is no room for philosophy, since purpose of philosophy will be to identify the truth. Since truth is unique there cannot be any if-then-else logic. Take a look at the free book on Soul Theory at the blog site
Arjan Tupan
Nice piece of epistemology, which is a field of philosphy. Thereby you prove that philosophy is valuable. By the way, your conclusion is sound, but the premises are debatable. Which, again, is a role for philosophers…
Epistemology – From Wikipedia I find the word means – “Much of the debate in this field
has focused on the philosophical analysis of the nature of knowledge and how it relates to connected notions such as truth, belief, and justification”.
Anything is a subject of philosophy – as long as both knowledge and truth are not defined by using the laws of nature. Once you connect or define everything using the laws of nature, then it is no longer epistemology or philosophy. For, both the laws of nature and the objects of nature are unique, and hence there is no room for philosophy.
“…but the premises are debatable”. Please identify the premises and show why they are debatable.
Arjan Tupan
Hahaha, well, this discussion is already philosophy in action. Showing it is needed. In one of the courses listed above, Introduction to Philosophy from Edinburgh University, you will learn that philosophy is “working out the best way to think about things.” Therefore, your premise that philosophy is about finding truth is false. It’s not about finding truth, it’s about finding the best way to think about truth. As your complete argument is based on that premise, your conclusion is false, since the premise is false.
Then, your other premises can only be true if everybody accepts them to be true, and as there are other theories about truth, there is no one truth about truth. Therefore, your conclusion that there is no room for philosphy can only be false.
On the other hand, there are probably philosophers who will argue that your conclusion is valid, or sound, because you believe your premises to be true. But, again, that’s a matter for philosophers to decide :).
Looks like your debate is about the definition of “Truth”. But I have mentioned – Anything is a subject of philosophy – as long as both knowledge and truth are not defined by using the laws of nature.
I am saying the laws of nature is the only truth. Therefore truth must be unique and universal. What is true in USA must be true in China, what is true on earth must be true on mars. What was true million years back, will be true now, and will remain true million years from now. – this means mathematics, physics, economics, philosophy, religions are all false. Because none of them are defined based on nature.
You are saying my definition of truth is wrong. But you do not give any logic why this definition is wrong. Your logic is –
“Then, your other premises can only be true if everybody accepts them to be true, and as there are other theories about truth, there is no one truth about truth.” – There was a time when only one person knew the truth, Galileo, everybody else, billions of them, did not know that they did not know. Galileo has shown that the truth must be detected from the nature. Thus I cannot do some mathematics and create truth. Similarly, I cannot do some experiments, in a controlled and isolated environment, in a physics lab, and create truth.
You bring out the point – everybody has a definition of truth – this will only mean Galileo is still wrong. I have mentioned in the above book that truth is a personal quest. It can only be achieved by yogic meditation. Along that same line, Ayn Rand said – “Truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it.” Vedas represent the only truth. Because it describes the laws of nature. There is no God in Vedas. Veda is not a religion, the word means science or knowledge. There was a time when Vedas were know all over the world. You can see its influences in Bible and Judaism. Examples of such truths are – reincarnation, yogic power, destiny, soul theory, birth-maturity-death process, eternal recurrence etc. All of them represent eternal truth (Vedas), independent of space and time.
Arjan Tupan
I can recommend the iversity MOOC Critical Thinking, it fits in the Logic category.
Ralphes Bushman
Great examples, thanks a lot!
I’m currently making some research for my philosophy essay and this article was very helpful.
Cas Ekson
Greetings Sir/Ma’am
I like what I find here as it awakened my interest again in Philosophy. I just would like to ask if how can I avail of this course and if there be further studies being offered on line. I am teacher of a public school and I would like to go for further schooling in the field of philosophy, Thanks and God bless the thinkers of humanity.
Christina Irene